Damp Dirt Crawlspace
Here you can see the dampness of the dirt in the crawlspace.

Failed Attempt to Keep Moisture Out of Crawlspace
Tarps were used to store items on in Crawlspace. Moisture was still able to get into the crawlspace.

High Relative Humidty
Almost 70% relative humidity which is way above what mold needs to grow in an unconditioned crawl space.

Piles of Dirt in the Crawlspace
Here you see a pile of dirt left in the crawlspace during construction.

Dirt Crawlspace in White Rock
The inside of this dirt crawlspace in White Rock.

Dry and Healthy Storage in White Rock
The CleanSpace vapour barrier adds dry healthy storage space to this home.

Cleanspace Installed in White Rock
Cleanspace crawlspace vapour barrier installed in this home.

Complete Crawlspace Protection
The crawlspace vapour barrier protects against moisture coming from the floors and walls.

More usable storage space.
Cleanspace can be installed around any obstacle.

Cleanspace Crawlspace Encapsulation
A fully encapsulated crawlspace.